Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not-So-Farm Farm Tour

Today was Vincent's school annual visit to Remlinger Farms out in Carnation. Seriously, please click on the link. From the website, it seems as though this is a full-fledged working farm. But, once there, I'm not so sure about that. I mean, did you see the rides they have available? There's even a rollercoaster. Okay, the mini steam train is super. I mean, who doesn't love a steam train?

Anyway, I didn't take the kids to this event last year because David and I had taken them there about a month prior. I have a one time a year quota for that place. This year, I thought, yeah, why not?

Oh, yeah, here's why not...

When you are there on a weekend, without the school tours, it's crazy packed, but just about all the rides are open. You pay your $11 a person, and the kids get to ride to their hearts' content. Yes, it's intense there, and the kids are delirious, but if you tackle the adventure with another grown-up, it can be quite fun, even if it's not really a farm. Here's a photo from last year...
So cute, huh?

BUT, when you go with a school group, they don't open up all the rides. The only ride you get to go on is the train. And, unfortunately, you don't get to go on it right away, even though the kids can all hear it hooting it's horn, and are super excited about getting on. Of course, my Tyler couldn't wait. And, he couldn't understand why we weren't going on the train, yet. Cuz, with a school group, you have to go through a "tour." Basically, what that means is that some guy dressed up as a scarecrow takes you to different attractions, and you get to experience it for about 10 minutes. When you are with a big group, there's lots of waiting time for everyone to arrive at the next spot (because they aren't real close to each other) before we can begin. My kids are impatient. Not to mention, they can see the rides available, and wonder "why aren't they opened?"

In the end, I think Vincent enjoyed it, Tyler sort of enjoyed it, and I loathed it. Okay, that's harsh. Part of my reason for not liking it is that the boys were a pain to deal with.

AND, to top it all off, as we were about to leave, Tyler started to complain about his ear hurting. Since his ears are right about at the top of the chairs in their restaurant, I figured he bumped his ear on the chair. But, as we were driving home, it became very clear that he may have an ear infection.

He fell asleep in the car, and did not transfer into his bed, which is totally not normal for him. I mean, he has only not transfered to his bed, probably less than 3 times in the last two years. I was able to set him in bed in order to call the pediatrician, but soon as I made an appointment, I heard him crying upstairs. So, we all headed back out the door, and to the clinic.

Sure enough, he has an ear infection in his right ear. A pretty good one, too. The good thing was that while we were there, I was able to get the boys' flu vaccines taken care of. Sweet.

And, oddly enough, while waiting for Ty's prescription, he suddenly seemed all better. As quickly as the infection came on and upset him, it stopped bothering him.

How about a couple of pics from today's "farm tour"?

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