Monday, October 17, 2011

Ninja Fever

I failed to mention that last night, we tallied up Vincent's stars on his reward chart, and found that he had earned enough for us to buy him a Lego Ninjago set - one that he's had his eye on for a couple of weeks now. He knew that if he earned 30 stars, he could pick out a Lego toy. For a while, he didn't know what he wanted to pick, but with much studying of his Lego catalog, he figured it out. It took him a good 3-4 weeks to earn up enough points. And, actually, he was almost there last weekend, but was so poorly behaved that I added an extra 5 points to the figure, so he had to have 35. I didn't want to take away his points, but I needed him to know that this was serious. His behavior is supposed to improve with this reward chart, and it barely did. We have 4 tasks/behaviors he can do to earn stars. Okay, a couple of things are getting better, but he still needs to be reminded a lot of stuff. Are we silly?

Anyway, he picked out the Ninjago Blacksmith set.

When we told him that he had actually earned 38 points, he was thrilled. He couldn't believe it. And, we told him we were going to go to Target right then and there to get it for him. Unfortunately, by the time we got home, it was bedtime, so he wasn't able to put his set together. It didn't matter to him, though. He didn't make a fuss. I guess he did learn something!

This morning, though, wanna guess what he went right to when he woke up? Yup. Again, not enough time to put the set together. No biggie. Still no fussing. He knew that he was going to have a playdate at our house after school, so we was excited to be able to play with Max later.

So, this afternoon, when Max came over, the boys played with the little Lego ninja and bone guys while I put together the blacksmith set. I have to admit, I really enjoyed it. While Max was here, the mailman showed up and delivered two small packages.

After we dropped off Max at home and picked up Tyler, Vincent had fallen asleep in the car, and in order to keep him from being upset when we woke at home, I told the kids about the packages. We got inside, and they were so excited to open them. They were Halloween care packages from PopPop and Nana. And, for Vincent, more Ninjago! A little set, but this one had Cole, the black ninja, which he doesn't already have. (Tyler received a new Thomas train)

It is ninja fever in this house!!

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