Monday, September 12, 2011

Vincent's First Day At Pre-K

Vincent was up bright and early this morning. The rest of us were still very sleepy. I think David stayed in bed another 10 minutes after Vincent came to wake us up, then I got up a few minutes later, and then Tyler. It's a good thing, as we had to get Vincent to school by 9am.

We were actually early! Second ones there, and the door wasn't even unlocked, yet. Vincent was eager to get into school, and before I knew it, he was already downstairs playing. Tyler and I went hunting for him to say our "good-byes". He barely stopped what he was doing (exploring) to give us a couple of hugs. The boys were quite cute, actually.
Then, we were off for Tyler's daycare. Along the way, I told him he could be sad when I drop him off, but to try not to cry. Poor baby, had such a hard time letting me go, and in the end, there was loud crying. He did try very hard to hold back the tears, but he was definitely sad.

Once the kids were all dropped off, I met my friend, Stephanie, at Mioposto for some coffee. That was nice. I haven't had one-on-one time with her in a while. In fact, it might be the first time we've chatted alone since she started dating her boyfriend, a year ago tomorrow. Happy anniversary, Stephanie and David.

After coffee, I came home to make Stella an appointment at the vet. She must've gotten in a fight recently, as one side of her face has been swollen the past couple of days. I noticed it two days ago, but thought her hair was just pooffy. Last night, when I saw her face, her left eye was almost shut, and there was definitely swelling on her cheek. I looked her over, and there were also some scratches around her face. More like scabs. Uh, I dislike that word. It sounds so, so, unpleasant. This morning, I found dops of blood on our bedroom floor. We went to check Stella out, again, and it looks like she must've scratched at the wound, taking off much of the hair around her cheek. Fortunately, her eye seems to be opening better, and some of the swelling may have come down. Nonetheless, I made her an appointment for Wednesday. I'm hopeful that she'll be better by then and that I can cancel, but we'll see.

AND, Tyler woke up with a little bit of a limp this morning. He was actually limping a bit yesterday morning, but today, he said his leg hurt a little. Weird.

I have a few minutes before I need to go pick up Vincent from school. I hope he had a great day.

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