Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 5 of Family of 5

This very moment, I'm listening to Eva on the monitor. I assume that she is trying to fall asleep and this is her way wind down. Tyler does that every so often. I just want them all to fall asleep soon so I can watch the premiere of "New Girl."

Today, it felt like we were on more of a regular schedule. Vincent was dropped off at preschool. I guess after yesterday, Eva feels comfortable with Secret Garden, already. We got there, and she went right in and started playing. Cute. Then, I took the tots to Discovery Bay at the gym. When we got there, Tyler was super clingy. Nicole, whom he loves, was not there with her daughter today. Since he had a tough time separating from David yesterday, I tried to be extra loving with him today. He held on to me for a long time. Eva went right in and started asking for a snack. I'm glad she's so easygoing.

My workout was pretty good. It was nice to get my body moving. I'm so stiff, even my butt cheeks were aching when I was done. Sheesh!

Right after the gym, we came home for lunch. Then, I tried to quickly get the kids down for a nap. Eva napped shorter than Tyler today, but he was able to fall back to sleep after I went to get her. She's teething, so it's messin' with her naps. She's been chewing on stuff and her fingers a lot the past couple of days. Plus, I see a tiny little bit of while coming out of her gums.

Samantha came to pick her up at 3pm to go to preschool. Tyler got up around the same time, which was good, since we needed to pick up Vincent. Ty and I picked up Vincent and we went to the playground to meet up with friends.

When we got home, I threw together a mediocre dinner. Eva arrived back at home about 5 minutes after we sat down to eat. After dinner, the kids played a little. Vincent got sent to his room, and then the littles took a bath. 

Now, I'm late for the start of my new show. Gotta go!

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