Sunday, September 11, 2011

Out of Space & The Return of Football

After 2.5 years of this blog, I have run out of storage space on Picassa for my photos. What? I thought it would be unlimited. Unfortunately, 1G is all I get. If I want more, I have to pay for it. So, I guess this means all the lovely photos you've been getting to see will not be so frequent, if at all, from here on out. Unless, of course, I pay for more storage space, which I'm not sure what I'll do. It's inexpensive, but whatcha think? Doesn't everyone just look at those photos on Facebook anyway? To be continued...

So, as I mentioned earlier this week, NFL football is back in season. I don't really care about football. But, my husband's a big fan, and apparently, now so is Vincent. I even bought him two football shirts at Macy's the other day. He was super excited about them, too. It's kind of weird to me, cuz he has no idea what's happening.

Nonetheless, he's into it, and this morning, he accompanied David, Jon and Eva over to the eastside to watch the Browns play at Bob's house. They were there all morning, until after lunchtime.

While they were gone, Tyler and I went to Fun Zone at Arena Sports. One of the nice things you get for going to a birthday party there is a coupon for a free pass to Fun Zone. I don't care about the rest of the swag in those goody bags, but that coupon is like cash. Well, sort of. Fun Zone is bouncy house central. They have open play on the weekends in the mornings. This morning, it was empty. There were a total of 4 kids and 3 adults for the 3 hours it was open. Lucky us! It was so nice to just let him run around without worrying about bigger kids knocking him down. When we were done there, we went to the playground outside to eat our lunch. It was hot, hot. He was such a sweetie, sitting there eating with me. And, when it was time to leave, he didn't make a fuss. He fell asleep on the ride home, and took a nice long nap at home.

David and Vincent arrived home about an hour later. Vincent napped, too. Then we gave them these Chinese lantern things my mom sent them over a year ago. I guess you use them during Chinese New Year, but I thought they were for Harvest Moon, and had talked them up a bunch already, so I had to let them see them. Oh man, these things are loud and obnoxious. But, they had such a fun time playing with them.

For dinner, we had our friends, Stephanie and David, and his two kids, over for pizza and backyard playtime. They kids had a blast. Tyler ate about his normal pizza amount, but then when everyone left, he asked for more pizza. He ended up eating two slices. The second piece, he even ate the crust. Shocking. Vincent ate more, too.

Tomorrow is Vincent's first day back at preschool. Woop woop!

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