Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Little Ninja & Dinner Guest

Vincent was invited to a ninja birthday party/playdate for this afternoon. This morning, we went to Izilla Toys to get Henry a gift. After much contemplation, Vincent settled on 4, 3-inch sized plastic figurines. They were of pirates. He wanted Henry to be able to set up a battle with these figures. Yes, they were of pirates and not ninjas, but Vincent and I decided that it would still be fun.

The playdate was for just a few friends. They were all given a ninja costume to dress up in, and blow-up swords. I dropped him off, so I'm not entirely sure what all happened. I know they had a story read to them, did ninja training, at cake, and went for a nature walk to the arboretum. Henry's dad told me all this, since I knew Vincent wouldn't.

Tonight, we had Peter, his girlfriend Sharon, and her family all over for dinner. It was so good in so many way. We ate on the back porch. David set up with table so beautifully. My food turned out really tasty. Tyler ate like a champ. Vincent complimented my cooking. And, we enjoyed our guests' company. I'd say, Anny's Kitchen is open for business.  Ha ha!

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