It's been 5 years since David and I have been to Bumbershoot. The last time we went, I was pregnant with Vincent, and we stood in a line for a comedy show, to see David Cross, for about 2 hours. That wasn't going to fly for this year. Not with our kiddos in two. We had waited until we felt that it would be worth the money to take the boys with us. Lucky for us, in that 5 years, they have developed a section called "Youngershoot". I believe it's the second year they've done it. I was rather pleased with how well it was received by our kids. There were craft tables, including button making, musical instuments for them to play, Legos, ride-on cars, music, and this veggie garden exhibit that's part of the Seattle Children's Museum. It was nice because they had food vendors around there and picnic tables, but it wasn't a super crowded area.
We did eventually venture into the main area and watched a couple of performances. One included a rap artist named, Kendrick Lamar. We thought it would be fun for the boys to go to the mainstage at the Key Arena, especially since it wasn't super crowded and a little cooler. Unfortunately, we didn't know Mr. Lamar is a rapper, and one who rapped with such, um, strong language. We had to tell Vincent, "Those are grown up words, and he's a grown up. You should not use words like that." We would've just gotten up and left, but he was quite into the music and wanted to stay.
We all rode on a "rejuiced bike" similar to this one.
Tyler with the very large tomatoes.
Some drumming.
Though we didn't get to see the main headliner for today, Hall And Oates, nor did we get to see most of the performances of the day (who am I kidding, we saw just parts of two), we feel like we still got our money's worth. Everyone had a good time, I got lots of swag, a couple of free reusable bags, and we walked off with these two photos, FREE!

Lastly, we took out our backyard "tree tunnel" this afternoon. After a short discussion, Ba and I were determined. It was a group effort, which included me and Sawz-all.
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