Saturday, August 27, 2011

To Oxbow, To Oxbow, To Play On The Farm...

...Home again, home again, everyone's worn (out).

Actually, just David and Tyler. Both took a nap when we got home. Tyler, Vincent and I all fell asleep in the car. Maybe my dad did, too, but I was in the way back, so I don't know. Tyler transferred to his bed, but Vincent and I didn't.

Sorry, that's all useless info...

What a fun day at the farm! It was a bit of a struggle to get there, as the 520 bridge was closed, so we had to detoured south to the 90, then David missed the 405, and had do take side roads to get on, then there was construction in Redmond, which we had to take a super long detour, again...Finally, we made it! Totally worth the effort.

The kids were super happy to run around the farm and through Oxbow's living playground. My dad was excited about the plants he saw. He noticed ones that aren't part of Oxbow's main crops and had a ball chatting Farmer Sarah up about them. We took a little tour of part of the farm, learning about the different parts of the plants: roots, stalk, leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds. Vincent spotted the pineapple weeds that I told him about recently and gave the farmers a little educating about them. The boys also got to pull carrots out of the ground, have them washed, and eat up right there. We ate a picnic lunch that I packed with some other boys and their nanny that we met today. It was a great picnic, under a big tree, and we picked blackberries that were growing next to us.

Totally one of those dreamy, out of a storybook, summer farm days.

Sarah shows Vincent how to eat a nasturtium (flower). He didn't like it because it's a little spicy.
 Two things Tyler likes a lot...grapes and chickens.
 The boys and their fresh-picked (purple!) carrots.
Tonight, we had dinner at Gourmet Noodle Bowl in the International District. We've always said that this is a place Ba would enjoy. We were right. We ordered a good amount of food, and almost all of it was eaten. They boys did really well. Actually, I'm pretty impressed by how well they have been eating around A-Gong. It's like they're trying to impress him or something. Maybe they're having a growth spurt. Yummy Taiwanese food.

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