This morning, the boys and I went down to Federal Way to visit Halina and Stanley. While there, we went out to her garden to pick strawberries and snap peas. I was amazed at how excited Tyler was over the snap peas. He squealed, "Peas!" My persistence in making the boys eat their veggies has paid off a little, eh? They picked a few strawberries and ran around the backyard.

After lunch, Halina said I could go to the mall by myself to do a little shopping and she'd watch the boys. Nice. Unfortunately, I didn't find any pants for Vincent, as I had set out to find, but I did come home with 4 items of clothing for David. And, not only were they all on clearance, buy Halina gave me a coupon for $20 off of $50, and I made my purchase with a gift card. Such a thing as a free lunch? For me, today there was.
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