Friday, August 19, 2011

Goodbye Seaside, Hello Portland! And, Tillamook, too.

Left Seaside this morning after breakfast. We drove down to Tillamook to check out the creamery, cuz, well, we've already come so far!

Let me tell you, if I had known what it would be like, I wouldn't have wanted to make the extra drive down. Don't get me wrong, it was alright, but that's about all. And, it was an extra hour drive down, and threw off our nap schedule. Oh, the nap schedule, right?! If we were actually closer, it would have been worth the trip, but we had gone out of our way. That's all I'm saying. Nonetheless, it was interesting to see. It was just so crowded, which made for a really intense experience. Especially, with the kiddos. We did make out with some interesting cheeses to take home, and to bring as a gift to the friends we're staying with in Portland. And, we got to enjoy Tillamook's creamy, delicious ice cream. I just like to be overly opinionated and honest.
After some rush hour traffic and detours, we made it to our friends' house. The Rodartes! Their three kids are in L.A. for the week, visiting friends and family. That means that Vincent and Tyler had their toys all to themselves.

Right away, Vincent took to building this elaborate battle scene, which he had Vince (that's our friend) play with him.

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