Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting Ready for Our Vacay

Leaving for Seaside, Oregon, tomorrow morning. I'm surprisingly not too stressed out. My biggest stress was who would watch our cats for us, but I got that figured out, so I feel alright. And, we can't even check into our place in Seaside until 4pm tomorrow, so there's not really much of a hurry.

For lunch, I took the boys to Boom Noodle. It was what Vincent picked. Sure, why not? Oh. My. Gawd. After the initial drama of Tyler being "so hungwee!", those boys were on their best restaurant behavior. Soon as the food arrived, they both just worked on their meals. I had to stop and help with this or that a few times, but it was such a breeze. I ate peacefully, and even felt full and done before them. I was able to sit and just watch them eat for a good 10 minutes or so. Wow.
Vincent had a t-ball game this afternoon. He's such a clown. I think in general he's doing better, but he gets up to bat and can't seem to hit the ball without knocking over the "t," too. And, when he's in the "dug out," he just goofs off like crazy. Meanwhile, I spend most of the game chasing Tyler around.

After dinner, David took the boys to the schoolyard to let Vincent ride his bike a little. There were some bigger kids there riding their bikes, and Vincent rode with them. When he got home, he was super excited to tell me how well he was riding.

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