Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stained Deck and Exercise

My dad's project today was staining the back deck. I took the kids to the gym so I could get in a little workout. I haven't had much exercise in the last week. I told him about what time I'd be back to pick him up for lunch, and that I'd call ahead of time. When I called, he said, "Oh, take your time, I want to put the first coat on stain on." I insisted that there wouldn't be time, to which he said, "fine." But, when I arrived, he had already started. He just can't help himself. In his defense, though, he usually knows what he's doing, and he wanted to get half the deck stained so that it could dry during our sunny day.

The boys and I took him to lunch at Samurai Noodle. That man can eat quickly. It was impressive how well all of my guys ate. Vincent was excited for all the fixins in the bowl he shared with Tyler. Tyler was excited for the noodles and soup. I was excited that everyone was happy to be eating.

This afternoon, the boys and I all took a really long nap. I guess we needed to catch up from last week. Meanwhile, Ba, that's what I call my dad, was under the hot sun, sanding and staining the other half of the deck. He's a fast worker. I felt so bad for him out there, but he didn't seem to mind. He's from L.A., right?

Dinner tonight was grilled kalbi short ribs and grilled salmon. We also had broccoli and carrots which I wrapped in foil, and David cooked on the grill.
Our newly stained deck

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