Wednesday, March 9, 2011

a torrential downpour

Soaked! The kids and I got soaked this afternoon when I picked Vincent up from preschool. It was crazy. It really was a torrential downpour for about 5 minutes. Half of that time, I was walking up a steep hill with Tyler in my arms to get to the school. Then, we took cover while waiting for Vincent. Though it didn't stop raining, it wasn't as intense by the time he came out to meet us. But, we still continued to get soaked as we walked back to the restaurant where our friends were waiting for us.

Now, the sun is out. But, I'm done. We're gonna whole up here at home the rest of the day.

**After Tyler woke from his nap, he cried off and on (mostly on) until David came home from work. I seriously think he wasn't ready to get up from his nap, but a garbage truck had come by, which I think woke him up. The only way he would stop crying is if I would hold him in my arms. At least I could console you, but I also needed to make dinner. It wasn't even much that I was making, but he only wanted me to focus my attention on him.

At one point, I thought that I'd give him (and Vincent) gummi bears to perk him up. I gave him a couple, then asked him to give one to Vincent. On his way to Vincent, he ate it. I saw that he was still chewing on something and there was no longer a gummi in his hand. So, I asked him if he ate Vincent's gummi bear. Rather than nod, or say "yes," he cried. And, cried. I guess, I outted him. But, I wasn't upset. I simply wanted to know so that I could give him another to try again. Apparently, he was guilt ridden, or something. So, I asked him again. When he finally fessed up (and cried), I gave him a Swedish fish and asked him to give that to Vincent. He tried to eat it, but I stopped him and reminded him it is for Vincent. He cried, but reluctantly went over and gave it to him. When he came back to me, I gave him one, too. Then, we did this with a couple more gummi bears. It was all so funny to me (though I didn't laugh), but very dramatic for Tyler. The extra gummis seemed to perk him up slightly, but he soon went back to weeping in my arms. Sigh. Just one of those moments (2.5 hours worth of a moment).

During Tyler's moment, Vincent was in a great mood. He was super understanding that I needed to make sure Tyler was okay. He asked my why Ty was so sad, to which I said that I didn't know. I kept checking in on him to make sure he was still happy, which he was.

All was better after David came home, since there were two of us to trade off holding him. After dinner, we walked to the ale house for dessert (and beers for the parents). Actually, David walked over with Tyler first, and I stayed with Vincent while he s-l-o-w-l-y at his tiny bowl of chicken noodle soup.

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