Thursday, March 10, 2011


Tyler and I went to the Science Center this morning while Vincent was in drama class. While there, I did one of those coin things where you drop it in a slot and it swirls around this big round cone shaped drum, getting faster and faster towards the smaller middle. We had two pennies going, when halfway down, a group of 7(??) year old boys came by and stopped our pennies. Yeah! WTF? I was shocked and burst out to them, "Hey! That was rude!" Their teachers, or chaperones, about college aged, came and asked what happened. I felt embarrassed for my outburst, but they totally ruined the fun for Tyler. So, I told them what happened, and they got sat down and scolded.

The remainder of our short visit was much calmer. We looked at the boa constrictors, and watched a volunteer put a new bowl of water into the case. We looked at the sea stars in the touch tank. We played in the tots area, where Tyler enjoyed "flying" a helicoptor.
Then, he showed me how he can spray water while sucking his thumb. Boy's got skills.

After the Science Center and drama class, I had originally planned to take the boys to Costco, but made a last minute change of plans. My friend, Jen, had called early and said he was taking her older boy to the Gymnastics Academy. I figured they'd have more fun there than sitting in a shopping cart at Costco. So, we drove through McDonald's (yup, you read correctly), got a couple of Happy Meals, with girls' toys, and they ate them in the car while I drove.

What a fantastic time they both had! Tyler was completely elated. Over stimulated, too. Vincent was thrilled and ran around with a few of his friends that were there. I couldn't get my camera out because I needed to stick with the boys and they were off like a shot the moment they got the chance. Vincent said he wants to "go back there with Daddy." I loved seeing the pure joy on those boys' faces.

They enjoyed the rest of their Happy Meals on the ride home. They seemed to be too much on a high from all the fun that they didn't fall asleep, even though Ty usually does if he's in the car around that time. But, they did both take a nap this afternoon. Success.

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