Tuesday, March 8, 2011


This morning, the boys had their 6 month dentist check up. At age 2, there's not a whole lot they do for Tyler. His check up took about 15 minutes. Doctor counted his teeth, felt the gums where his last 4 molars would erupt, poked some teeth, and gave him a flouride treatment. He said that those molars should be coming through soon. It seems like he's been teething with those for like 6 months. He still drools a bit and he's always jamming objects (like the handles of utensils) back there. I hope when they do finally come in, he will stopped putting stuff in his mouth so much.

As for Vincent, his appointment took a little longer. It was the first one where I wasn't right next to him for the whole thing. They just took him right in, and showed me to a different room for Tyler. He did such a great job! He was hesitant about me not being there, but was quickly comforted by knowing I'll be back to check on him. And, when they tried to take his x-ray, he worked his very hardest at biting down on that awful piece of film they put in your mouth, but couldn't quit get it. They'll try again in 6 months.

After the dentist, we drove down to Federal Way to visit Lucy's parents. Halina made us a delicious lunch, which the kids ate pretty well, and then they each had a Push-Up.

One thing I wanted to do while down there was go to Macy's. Halina accompanied us, which allowed me to get what I was looking for: the Estee Lauder gift with purchase. I bought a new face wash and some makeup remover towellets, along with a little black dress and a Glee t-shirt. Yes, I'm that dorky about Glee. C'mon, it was 4 bucks! So, yeah, SCORE! I got the free gift, which I don't normally care for, but this one was really good. And, when I was torn about which eye shadow palette I wanted, she gave me both. Double score. AND, the lady must've loved us, because she threw in a second gift pack for Halina. Triple score.

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