Yup, PopPop and Nana headed home dark and early this morning. David took them to the airport and was back and sleeping before the kids woke up.
There was no class at Seattle Central today, so I took Tyler with Vincent to Chinese school. Ty and I wandered around Crossroads mall for a couple of hours. He still doesn't like those coin operated rides. We stopped at Starbucks for a coffee and snack. Tyler tried one of these portable veggie/fruit things for the first time. It was a hit.

After school, we picked up David and had lunch at Smith. The boys split an English muffin with bacon, egg, and cheese. Vincent ate his whole half, which doesn't sound like much, but it is for him. Tyler picked out and all the inside, of course. He also ate about a sack of potatoes worth of french fries. Smith does make good fries.
After school, we picked up David and had lunch at Smith. The boys split an English muffin with bacon, egg, and cheese. Vincent ate his whole half, which doesn't sound like much, but it is for him. Tyler picked out and all the inside, of course. He also ate about a sack of potatoes worth of french fries. Smith does make good fries.
We all passed out this afternoon for naps. Afterwards, I forced the boys to get their heads buzzed. WHY? There have been two separate incidences of head lice in each of the boys' schools in the past few weeks. Totally gives me the heebie jeebies. Vincent protested his cut, but gave in. Tyler saw Vincent get it done first, so when it was his turn, he just climbed up on the stool and lickety split, it was done.
TA DA!! (This was about the best I could get out of them)

Why, yes, Tyler is naked. And, we bribed them with candy to get the cuts done. Personally, I think they look super cute.
After dinner, we went to Target, where they acted like crazy wild animals. When David and I finally got them home to bed, we discussed that somehow, it doesn't even bother either of us anymore that they act that crazy when we're at Target. Like Target is a safe haven.
The boys played around in these tubs, and since they were so wild, eventually, someone did fall out, get hurt, and make a huge fiasco. Again, David and I were unfazed.
After dinner, we went to Target, where they acted like crazy wild animals. When David and I finally got them home to bed, we discussed that somehow, it doesn't even bother either of us anymore that they act that crazy when we're at Target. Like Target is a safe haven.

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