Monday, November 7, 2011

What Happened Today?

Ever get like that at the end of your day? Where you sit down and think, "What happened today?" 

Monday. Oh yes, due to the time change, we were all up early, and managed to get our acts together so quickly that I left the house by 8:30am and took Tyler to daycare before Vincent to school. This is a first. And, my coffee date had to postpone to next week due to lice in one of her kids' hair, so my morning was wide open after dropping Vincent off.

I ended up at the gym, of all places. And, I've gained some weight. It's those darn candies from Halloween!! That Halloween Fairy better come and take them away soon. After the gym, I came home to have lunch and just chill out before dashing off to pick up Vincent.

Vincent accompanied me to this Chinese foot massage place. David and I have been there before. It looks shady from the outside, but it's totally clean and legit. A one hour massage is $25. Yeah, no kidding. It's not fancy, and you are fully clothed, but it's a good massage. No kidding. Vincent sat in a chair by the door and played games on my iPhone. God bless Steve Jobs.

Next, we went to QFC, practically next door, where Vincent spent time in their free childcare. I know, this is starting to sound like such a luxurious day for me, huh? I'll admit that it was pretty nice. I bought groceries without having any children demanding this or that, or "this way, Mommy!" We dropped the groceries off at home, then headed pick up Tyler.

Vincent totally conked out in the car about 3 minutes before we got there. He was out. He was even hard to wake when we got home. I think the time change caught up with him. Somehow, it has thrown us all off.

For dinner, we had the Tuscan bean soup from my cook-a-thon with the gals. If you like beans, this is a must make. It's so yummy. Even the kids ate it all up. I served theirs with whole wheat noodles. It's a little spicy, so Vincent didn't eat as much, but Ty gobbled it up.

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