How does Vincent do it? It seems like he can run on so little sleep. I swear, since the time change, he hasn't been going to bed much earlier, but he's definitely waking earlier. It feels to me like he's losing about an hour of sleep a day. That seems like a lot to me. Plus, the kid barely rests in the middle of the day. I guess if I was actually getting 9-10 hours of sleep each night, I might feel as great as he does. Since I'm not disciplined enough to get to bed early, I don't get nearly as much sleep as I need. He did take a short nap today. Every few days it does catch up with him.

I went to work tonight. It was busy and fun.
I got to sleep in this morning. Thank goodness, cuz I woke up at 4am and couldn't fall back to sleep for 2 hours. Sheesh! David took the boys to Chinese school, dropped off Vincent, then went to Bellevue Square with Tyler. It's like their little routine now. They get coffee and breakfast at McD's, then head to the Microsoft and Apple Store for some tinkering around on computers.
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