Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tesla & A Change of Plans

This morning, Vincent was up before 7:30am, again. Boy, that kid can go, go, go. They went to bed a little later than usual, but woke at the same time. When he gets up and opens the bedroom door, it usually wakes Tyler up, too. There are other times, like yesterday, that Vincent will actually wake Tyler himself by whispering to him. We can hear him on the monitor, of course. Tyler, supposedly, woke on his own today.

And, soon as they are up, they are ready to go! 

David took Tyler with him to drop Vincent off at Chinese school, while I stayed home and cleaned up a little. Then, they came back to pick me up. I could've just stayed home all morning, but since I was going to work this evening, I wanted to spend the morning with them.

We went to Bellevue Square, so David could get his Saturday morning guilty pleasure: sausage McMuffin. We were going to head to Toys R Us to find something very specific, but never made it. Instead, we stopped at the Disney store, where David picked out two pairs of pj's for Vincent, and where Tyler fell in love with the Beauty and the Beast tea set and cart. He served me a couple cups of tea, and pushed the cart around. So cute. He was also intrigued by the princess jelly slippers, but when asked if he wanted to try one on, he promptly said, "No." Okay, this is pretty cool, though. They have these three mirrors in the princess dress up section. When you wave certain princess products, like a crown or wand, in front of it, it triggers the mirror, and it plays a little clip of whichever princess' object you just waved in front of it. Truly, a magical mirror.

When David went to pay for the pj's, he found out that the Tesla store was having their grand opening, and handing out balloons and other gifts. This is when I found out that David secretly wants a Tesla sedan. When we walked up to the store, this beautiful, red roadster was sitting out front.
We couldn't believe they just let Tyler climb right in and start grabbing, pushing, and pulling. He even adjusted the rearview mirror. We made out with two red balloons, two keychains, and two Hot Wheels Roadsters. Ty's balloon popped on the way to the car, so we let him have Vincent's. Sorry, V.

We then went to Trader Joe's to pick up provisions. And, then picked up Vincent. Lunch was at home, and then it was time for me to go to work.

Turns out, I didn't have to be there tonight! They were closed with a private event, and had enough people to work the party. I was told I could stay, but didn't have to. So, that was our change of plans. I came home and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening with my guys.

This is what I got to witness.

After some wrestling around, we headed to the eastside for cheap sushi and to go to Target. 

You see, in about 2 days, the Halloween Fairy will visit our house, take all the Halloween candy that has yet to be eaten from each boy's pail, and replace it with a small gift, if you know what I mean. I was able to help H. Fairy out, without the kids noticing. Sly, Mommy.

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