Thursday, November 3, 2011

At Long Last: Eat, Pray, Love

Admittedly, I am not a reader. Seriously, I've hardly finished any books in my life. The Scarlett Letter? Eh, I got the gist of it. Tom Sawyer? Huckleberry Finn? Um, saw the movies. No, no! I take it back! I read the Lord of the Rings series, and all the Harry Potter books. There's 10 books right there! I've even reread a couple of those. And, I've read my favorite, Catcher In the Rye, a couple of times. And, I have started many, many, many books. 

So, I do read. And, I have finished books. I'm just not much of a reader.

Anyway, I've been reading Eat, Pray, Love for over a year. It mostly just hangs out at the bottom of my gym bag, waiting for me. I started reading it when I decided to spend more time exercising. When you start exercising, after not doing so in a long time, it nice to ease into it. That's what I did, on the treadmill, with my (borrowed - sorry, Audrey!) book. Eventually, I began to jog, which makes it hard to read. That's why it's taken me so long to finish. It's my "gym" book. And, I've taken longer to complete the book than it took her to journey through the 3 lands. 

Tonight, just now, in fact, I finished it! Oh my goodness! Now, what am I gonna read at the gym?!!

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