Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 Was Veteran's Day

Though it was a holiday today, the only place that seemed quieter than usual was the parking garage at the gym. The gym itself was about it's usual, but the daycare was full. All the regular parents that come to work out had brought their grade school aged kids along. It was good for Vincent because he had several older kids to hang out with. Normally, he's the big kid on Fridays.

Afterwards, we went to REI to return some stuff, play and eat lunch. Oh. My. Goodness. The place was so busy. The play area was especially crazy. We barely found a seat at World Wrapps, sitting up high on bar stools, crammed knee-to-knee from one another. The kids barely ate because they were so excited to join in on the playtime madness. I ran out of steam super quickly. 

Since the boys woke early, I didn't feel so bad about getting them to rest at an earlier time. Vincent didn't nap. He wanted to lay on the futon and just look at the sparkly wand he got from a birthday party last weekend. O-kay.

When Tyler got up from his nap, I let the boys watch some Curious George while I iced a cake that I made yesterday.
I was flattered when I let the boys eat the top of the cake that I cut off and Vincent loved it so much, he wanted seconds and Tyler's portion. Nice. Okay, not so flattered by Ty not liking it.

For dinner, we met up with friends at Naked City Brewery. It was surprisingly very full of kids. I think it must be the place where parents go to get a good pint with their kids. The food was decent, though the bread to my sandwich was wayyyy too hard. You know the kind of sandwich that make the roof of your mouth hurt. Tasty, though.

Vincent was shy for about, oh, 2 minutes. Then, quickly opened. This was a group of guys from Case Western getting together. One was visiting from out of town. He stepped out once to "get some fresh air." This is what we told Vincent when wondered where the other guys went. After that, he decided that he also wanted to get some fresh air with the guys next time. So, they did. They walked to the Mexican store down the block and looked at Spiderman pinatas with big bellies. There was also some ro-sham-bo happening at the table before our food arrived. OH! And, Vincent got everyone's attention to ask, "Who wants to take a picture of my light up shoes? Raise your hand." When Kate said she would be didn't have a camera, he responded with, "Yes, you do, you have your iPhone." Whoah-ho!
Some ro-sham-bo action.

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