Monday, November 21, 2011

Furnace, Pie Making, Playing

There's been a strange noise coming from our furnace the past week. David stayed home from work so we could have someone come out to look at it. I happened to walk into the basement as the guy was saying, "and when that happens, your furnace is done." WHAT?! I stay calm, pretend like I'm not listening, but I must've looked concerned because he quickly said, "Yours is not there." Whew! We had a part that was cracked in three spots that needed to be replaced. And, he gave us a quote for what it would cost to replace the whole thing completely, and said that ours probably has another 3 years on it. Double whew!

At noon, I dropped by my friends house for a pie making demo from local coffee shop owner and pie maker, Dani Cone. Dani is the mastermind behind Fuel Coffee and High-5 Pies. She's hip, creative, been on the Martha Stewart show, and so super down to earth and nice. I was only able to stick around long enough to see how to works her ingredients into a dough, and how she creates her cute-cute crusts. 

Ooh, and while I was there, I got to hold a 4-month old baby girl and I made her belly laugh more than her mom has ever heard her do. 

Then, it was time to go pick up Vincent and Taylor. Yes, you read that correctly, Taylor, Vincent's school friend. Tyler was in daycare today (which he had the best drop off to date). The boys got right into the house and played with Ninjago Legos. They actually play too long at it. I offered to play a card game with them when I heard them talking about cleaning up. To my surprise, Vincent responded, "Yeah, but first, can I please have a snack?" So polite. The boys ate their snack while I peppered Taylor with a bunch of questions like, "What's your favorite thing to eat?" or "What's your favorite color?" He loved answering my questions, and Vincent loved listening. 

We played a couple of games of Frank's Zoo, which Taylor already knew how to play! I did my best to let each boy win, but Vincent actually does have some strategy, to my surprise, so he actually won both games. Of course, I think I would have totally whooped them both if I wasn't trying so hard to lose. Uh-huh.

After dinner, the boys played Zingo with David and then we all played more Frank's Zoo. This is the kind of playing I can do with my kids...not battling.

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