Dropped off Tyler at Panda
Went to ProClub with Vincent
Lunch at home with Vincent
Dropped off Vincent for a playdate
Had a couple of hours to myself. Ahhhhhh. Got a tomato cage and some herbs at the garden store and put those in the ground. Made corn muffins and packed up dinner for picnic in the park
Picked up kids
Volunteer Park wading pool for picnic dinner and playground time. Kids didn't really go in the water. Squirrels ransacked our picnic bag and stole some muffins.
David mowed the lawn while we were at the park.
Back at home, David ate his bbq beef and corn muffin dinner on the back patio. The boys and I hung out with him and ate chips and salsa. Then, we all played a little game of baseball. Everyone one had a chance to hit the ball. Tyler used the T.
While at the park, this was the conversation between Vincent and Julian:
Vincent: Something about "vasagna dragons..."
Julian: "There are no lasagna dragons. Zombies."
Vincent: "Oh. We need to find the zz-om-bees."
And, a picture of Tyler with sunglasses.

And, a picture of Tyler with sunglasses.
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