Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day of Obstacle Courses

I sort of left this weekend's plans open for us, except for David's race this evening. We didn't have anything to do this morning. I remembered that we have two free passes for the Fun Zone at Arena Sports and that they open from 9am-noon. Woohoo! That's where we ended up.

Fun Zone has a bunch of huge bouncey houses. Several of them have some kind of obstacle course, ending in a slide. The kids ran/bounced around like crazy for about 45 mintues, then took a little snack break. After that, Tyler mostly complained about wanting more snacks, and Vincent sort of ran around a little more, but we could tell they were both pretty tired out.

It's a good thing, because they both took naps before we headed out for our second set of obstacles: "Warrior Dash!" This time, it was David's turn to do the running around. And, it was a little of an obstacle to pull this off as a family with small children. We first drove to the parking lot, then got in a long line for the school buses to shuttle us to the race start/finish, then David needed to get his race packet, then everyone needed to use the porta-potties, the kids needed a snack, then David had to check his bag, then we waited for the race to start. The race started, but the boys got scared of the flames used to signal the start of the race so we had to get far away quickly. Then, we went to last part of the race to wait for David. The kids continued to snack, while muddy people were all around us, along with other spectators, while I tried not to lose them. Finally, David came to the end of the race! Once he finished, he had to get hosed off. Then, the kids wanted more snacks. Then, we had to collect David's belongings and get in the long bus line back to our car. It began to rain the moment we stepped off the (muddy) bus. Luckily, we quickly found our car. Dinner needed to be had, so we did that. And, lastly, we drove home.

And, that's just getting to and from the race! But, the real question is, how did the race go for David?! I think he did great. Based on my watch, he finished in about 30-35 minutes. Impressive, considering I run 3 miles in that time, without any obstacles. He had to climb ropes, come down a plywood wall, run through lots of mud, run on uneven paths, jump through fire, crawl under barbed wire through mud, and climb over broken down cars. Oh, and did I mention there was mud?
Nice and clean, waiting for the bus.
 These were the guys standing in line in front of us.
Picking up race packet.
 At the starting line.
And, he's off!
Climbing ropes...almost to the finish!
Mud, barbed wire...
 Race to the finish, David! The commentator at the end must not have thought David was muddy enough, cuz he announced, "Now that's a warrior, not like this guy 'HUNT'!" Ass! Whatever, dude. I don't see you full of mud.
Woohoo! All done! Here he's trying to give us all a hug. No way!!

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