Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

I hit a milestone today, 35 years old. I've sort of been dreading this day for the past couple of weeks. No offense to those over 35, but I wasn't feelin' the excitement. Each day it seems I have more gray hairs, and although I exercise regularly, I feel sluggish and pudgey all the time. But, I could also feel the opposite was going on in the hearts of David, Vincent and Tyler. They've been going on little shopping outings the past week, and the anticipation has been building for them.

Earlier this year, I was thinking I wanted to make a big deal of my birthday. I was scheming for a farm party, then maybe a food truck of some sort, and then something more low key, like a pizza party at the playground. A few weeks ago, I opted out of all that, and asked to go to dinner, just the 4 of us, to Lark, my all time favorite Seattle restaurant. David said, "Okay," but I think he still wanted for me to feel super special.

So, even though I didn't look forward to turning 35 years old, I have secretly been looking forward to this day because I've seen how happy and excited all my boys have been about it. And, super special, indeed, they made me feel.

Here's the recap: *slept in this morning, *ate red velvet cake for breakfast, *opened my awesome presents, *sent Vincent to his room for being mean to Tyler, *got a nice hot shower, *took the kids to gymnastics open playtime, *ate lunch at Geraldine's Counter, *relaxed at home, *went to dinner at Lark.

Here are the pictures:

This is what I woke up to seeing.
My cake!
Vincent handing me my gift. He picked it out himself. And, all my gifts were wrapped in Christmas paper. Vincent got me a Jason Mraz CD, Tyler got me chocolate bars (which we think he thought it was actually for him), and David got me a pizza stone and a pizza paddle.
Kids dressed up to go to dinner. It was hard to get a good picture of them both looking at the camera and smiling.

Yeah, we know the Chef.
Thanks for a fabulous birthday, David, Vincent and Tyler!! I love you, guys! And, thank you to everyone who took the time to wish me a happy day. Gotta love that technology.

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