Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where Did The Sunny Go?

I was told it would be nice out today. Um, no. I mean, it wasn't crappy.

Anyway, the boys went to Miller this morning. I'm surprised that they still enjoy it there. It's more fun for Vincent when he has a friend, but he still does well with just Tyler. They stayed for clean up, as usual.
This includes deflating the bouncy house...
Putting the cars away...
And, folding up the mats...

This afternoon, I took the boys to meet up with my friend and her two boys at a playground so that they can ride their wheelies. Ty's getting so good with his scooter. Vincent still uses training wheels, but I'm not in a hurry to rush him out of them.

We had a lousy dinner. What can I say, I got lazy! I stuck a frozen lasagna in the oven, and that's it. I tried to "bulk" the meal up with strawberries and olives, and I gave the boys juice boxes. Nobody seemed that into the dinner. I confess, I liked it. It's one of those gross, processed meals that secretly comforts me. Although, I may have reached a turning point with it tonight. I was hungry so I ate more than I needed, but I didn't feel comforted. It must've been all the guilt, knowing that my family didn't care much for it, and that I was unwilling to make them anything else.

I had planned on meeting a friend and her daughter (which Vincent said to me on our way out the door, "I want to marry Serenna.") at the ale house for a drink. They were having dinner, but I had already put the lasagna in the oven when she called. I took Vincent, and David dropped Tyler off about half an hour later. I ordered Vincent an applesauce before Ty got there.  Unfortunately, as I was contemplating going home, both boys begged me for food. Oh, alright, I guess I can have another drink while you guys eat.

And, Vincent had to use the restroom, but somehow missed, and peed all over his pants and the floor. *Sigh* He was a good sport about it, and even said to my friend, "I'm free-balling." Nice.

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