Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Break, Day 2

We headed to the gym, again, this morning. One of the gals that works in the daycare, along with her 2 year old daughter, were absent today. That was uncool with my boys. They love Nicole and Piper. Vincent was okay with Danielle, Nicole's sub, but not Tyler. He clung to me a little, and when I was able to pry him off my legs a little, Vincent jumped in on the clinging, too. Sigh. I finally squeezed my way out the door, while gently pushing them away from me.

Got my workout in. 40 minutes on the treadmill, walking the first 1.25 miles then running another 2. Felt pretty good. I tell ya, though, this gal is not losing any weight. I only want to lose about 2 more pounds. Instead, I've been gaining. Sigh (again). At least I feel pretty good, and that's what's most important.

I rushed the boys out of the daycare and we headed south to the gymnastics academy for some tumbling. While driving down there, we passed McDonald's. Tyler announced, "That like McDonalds." Well, yes, Ty, it is. Vincent said, "Can we go there?" My answer was maybe, even though I secretly had it in my head already that we'd stop there on the way home. I try to save our trips there for times of necessity. Today was one of those.

At gymnastics, Tyler ran around totally elated. Vincent had accidentally jumped on top of another kid right at the start, and that put him in a funky mood. He did alright, but was definitely a little off his game. I decided we needed to leave early, which they did okay with. But, once they found out that we were stopping at good ol' MickeyD's, it was happy times.

Vincent decided to have a cheeseburger, to my surprise, while Tyler opted for 6! nuggets. Both boys were done with their food (not including apples and drink) by the time I pulled up to our house. WOW! And, when we got into the house, Vincent ate half his portion of apples, and a mandarin orange, while Tyler ate a 1/2 cup of noodles and an orange.

David and I had a date to El Mestizo for dinner. We had a Groupon. We also went to Madison Market on our date. The kids stayed home with Audrey, and she said they were very good. Apparently, Vincent was super polite. They were, of course, crazy when we got home!

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