Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chocolate Dipped

Lots happened today.

Tessa came over to watch the boys so that I could clean the house. For 2.5 hours, I scrambled around trying to clean as fast as I could, but barely got anything done.

Since we'd been in the house all morning, I decided to take the boys out to lunch. We went to Blue C Sushi. It's been a while since we've had conveyor belt sushi. Both of them remembered their favorite dishes, though! Before we even got out of the car, Tyler shouted out, "Avocado!" and Vincent said, "Green beans." Vincent ate two plates of the tempura green bean rolls to himself, while Tyler had a whole plate of avocado rolls. Vincent also veggie tempura (aka, more green beans).

This afternoon, since Vincent got up early from his rest (aka, no nap), I decided to do something "fun" with him. It ended up being a pretty frustrating project because it didn't go exactly like the pictures in the cookbook. We made chocolate dipped bananas and strawberries. I must've used the wrong kind of chocolate for melting. In fact, I know I did, but that's what I had in the house, and I really wanted to do this with Vincent. The first try, my chocolate was thick, so I thought, "Oh, I'll add cream." We didn't have any. "Hmmm, what about butter?" Bad idea. "Maybe fix it with some half and half." Another bad idea. Okay, dump it, start over. Melt butter, add nothing (please!). Still thick, but we push on and got something out of it. They were kind of a lumpy mess, but we all still enjoyed every last bite.

Sure, he looks clean now...

And, not so clean. He actually didn't start on that strawberry, but worked on a piece of banana first. This is him when he finished the banana, but he went on to eat that strawberry, causing even more of a mess.
Needless to say, the boys had a bath tonight. But, not before we rocked out in the living room. Yes, he's pantless.

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