Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy 78th Birthday, Stanley!!

Our dear friend, Stanley, celebrated his 78th birthday today. What do you give someone at his age? How about a mini cupcake with a tiny Budweiser can on top? I'd like to think that he also enjoyed our company and getting hugs from Vincent, and some sort of loving head nod, possibly kiss, from Tyler. It was a lovely afternoon with Stanley and Halina. The kids were wild, of course. Vincent didn't nap, and Tyler took a 30 minute one during the car ride down to their house. They were still sweet, which makes all the craziness acceptable.

See the tiny beer can?

Vincent insisted on being called Lightning McQueen today. He has also been wearing his new swim outfit as much as possible the past 2 weeks. I think I need to go back to Costco to get another set ASAP.

"I'm a fast racer!"
And, here's one of Ty, for good measure.
By the time we got home this evening, Tyler was so tired, he kept throwing fits left and right. Finally, at bedtime, he tried to tackle Vincent because he wanted to pick "Dumbo" as his book tonight, but ran his foot into the dresser in the process. I threw in the towel. I bargained with Vincent, offering him 3 books to choose tomorrow night (instead of 2 tonight), if he'd just go to bed right now, since Tyler was clearly not going to be able to sit through bedtime stories. He agreed (THANK YOU!!). When Tyler realized what was going on, he threw a fit, but was actually easily calmed, and the boys went right to sleep.

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