Monday, December 19, 2011

Round 1 And Sledding In The Park

The plan was to take it easy today. We ate a leisurely breakfast & took our time getting out of the house.

We decided to go check out Round 1, this bowling alley/arcade at the nearby mall. We didn't bowl, but may go back another day to try it out. We got two token cards, loaded each with ten bucks, and the boys have fun.

Vincent got to play big kid video games, while Tyler chose to do games that can win him tickets for prizes. I helped him, of course, and we had won about 40 tickets.

Ty and I were on our way to cash out and see what we can get when he spotted another game to try. It was a huge game, had a video instruction, but involved us pressing just one button, once. That's just what we did, and we hit the jackpot! 500 tickets came spewing out of the machine! It took like 5 minutes for them all to come out. Crazy!!

We shared the first 40 tickets with Vincent, and then Tyler scoped out what he wanted. He was dead set on a pack of Lifesaver Gummies for 40 tickets. I finally convinced him he could have that plus something else. He got his Gummies, and a small Kerropi green frog doll.

Vincent made a fuss about not getting more tickets, but left with some sugary syrup in a wax bottle thing.

We had lunch at Soup Plantation. My mom had a gift card, so why not? American buffet. Plus, Tyler ate for free. He gets his free lunch worth, too, that boy. Actually, Vincent did pretty well eating, too. You know, it is what it is, but it was so easy with the boys.

Vincent woke Tyler from his nap this afternoon. It was naughty. But, Ty couldn't get back to sleep. David too them to the park nearby. Lo and behold, there was a special holiday event happening. Santa was on site for photos, and there was a man-made snow hill for sledding. Yeah. Fo' sho'!

See if this video works:

After dinner, David spotted the original Star Wars trilogy on VHS, and put on Empire Strikes Back. He was so excited. We got only about an hour into it before bedtime.

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