It's hard to believe that Vincent is 5 years old. Last night, after the boys went to bed, David and I were up chatting about how at that moment, 5 years ago, I was in the tub in the labor room, in terrible pain. Nice conversation, huh?
Now, here he is, age 5. He's about 42 inches tall (as we learned at Legoland) and probably weighs about 35 pounds. We need to make his annual check-up appointment, so I'll update when we get that done.
Vincent is more energetic now than ever before. He loves anything to do with Ninjas, especially Lego ones. His love for race cars has taken a back seat, but have not been forgotten. He still loves to listen to us tell him stories and enjoys telling us his own, too. He continues to love books - there are stories in them!
As for food, Vincent finally likes pizza, but not with too many toppings (mainly just cheese, or with salami), and he's not picky about where he gets his pizza from. His overall appetite has improved, though he's still not a big eater. Ever since we agreed that he'll eat salad when he turned 4, he has continued eating it. He likes most of the vegetables we offer, he'll taste most of them, and likes some of them. He continues to love cured meats, different types of cheeses, sweet treats, Asian foods, milk, and has added potstickers to his list of "likes." We have always been appreciative that Vincent seems to have pretty good self-control when it comes to sweets and snack foods. Though he loves them, he eats them in moderation, and will not put up a fight (knock on wood) if we deny him of more.
Vincent's turned out to be quite a neat kid. He's an intense one, but in as many good ways as there are challenging ways. He has a big heart, is super smart, and simply loves to play. If I were to pick his favorite word, it would probably be "fun." That's what he wants most, to have fun.
As for his birthday, we went back to Legoland by 10am. I already knew which rides I wanted us to go on first, and they were close to the gate, so we headed straight there. Lines filled up quickly, so I'm glad we got there when we did. Today, we hit the other side of the park that we missed yesterday. We went on several rides, and even caught a show. Vincent and I went on the largest roller coaster together, while David and Tyler went on these little airplanes that we missed yesterday. OH! And, when we got to the gate, we were able to get a birthday button for Vincent with his name and age on it. Whenever one of the staff noticed it, they made a point to tell him, "Happy Birthday, Vincent." That surprised him the first time someone did that, and never got old. On one ride, the operator even announced to everyone that it was his birthday and we all sang to him while on the ride. That made him feel very special.
Opening his gifts from PopPop and Nana, and from Mommy and Daddy.

While waiting for the safari ride, Vincent built this airplane. He's getting fast at it.
Need I say more?
On our way back from Carlsbad, we stopped in Irvine for dinner at Red Robin. Yup, of all places. It's almost like tradition for Vincent's birthday. We've done it three years in a row. He usually eats well there, and gets a free birthday sundae with a song. Why not?
Happy birthday to our favorite 5 year old, Vincent!!
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