Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Not So Fun At Miller Today

Tuesdays are when we typically go to Miller Community Center for indoor playtime. That's just what we did this morning. But, it wasn't so fun for the boys today. It was a bit crowded, but they've been there when it's been this busy. Vincent even found a friend, one who doesn't typically go there. I don't know what it was. Tyler cried about a baby girl hanging on the car he was riding, Vincent got pushed, then he fell and bonked his head, which made him cry. We only lasted about 45 minutes. They both seemed to say they wanted to go home. It wasn't too early, but I had planned to stay out with them just a bit longer. 

So, we picked up dry cleaning, then headed to Madison Park playground. Though it was cold, it was dry, and the boys were happy to run outside. We haven't been to a playground in a while, especially this one. And, lucky for me, there are family friendly restaurants right there, which would save me from the whole "what are we going to have for lunch" dilemma at home.

Vincent invited Tyler up to slide with him, and waited patiently until he got there. Tyler ended up sliding down first, but it was so cute to see them up there together.

Vincent invited Tyler to slide with him, and waited patiently for Ty to get up there. They didn't end up going down at the same time, but it was cute to see them sitting at the top together. 

Ty's still a bit too small for this thing.
Vincent's gotten to be such a good climber.

As we were leaving the playground, I noticed Vincent's hair. It is so long now! 
I quickly changed our plans of getting lunch to stopping in at the children's shop to see if they had an opening for him to get a haircut. Lucky us, the gal was just about to walk out the door, but happily turned back and cut his hair!

Nice and clean. She had his hair parted to one side in the front, which looked a little dorky. I had to quickly mess it up as soon as we walked out the door.

During Vincent's haircutting, Tyler played with this babydoll and stroller.

Then, we headed for lunch.

Vincent colored happily. I have been waiting for this day since my first pregnancy. Probably even before that. He traced the picture along the edges, then colored it in (um, sort of).

Ty flirted with me while waiting for our food.
Yeah, I took this picture myself. Came out alright!

Finally, look at the size of this KID'S cheeseburger!

Well, our morning wasn't an entire flop after all.  Whew!

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