Tuesday, January 4, 2011

4 Year Check Up

This morning, Tyler and I accompanied Vincent to his annual check up.  I only just remembered about an hour before the appointment that this visit will include vaccinations.  I'm still slightly traumatized by the scene he caused when he went in for his flu shot a few months ago.  I had two choices here: 1)prepare him, knowing he may possibly get so worked up ahead of time that he completely loses it when we arrive, or 2)surprise him with the shot once there, so he has no time to process the information, which may also cause a total crazed meltdown.  But, then there's the part of me that thinks either options could have positive outcomes. 

I chose the former, because, as his mother, I know Vincent doesn't like surprises (unless, of course, it's a super good one). 

While getting him dressed, I dropped the shots bomb on him.  He seemed to take it alright, but said he's a bit scared.  When the time came, he did great.  Cried a little after she started poking him, and barely made it through the last one, but it was over before he knew it.  He complained of the pain here and there, but was so happy to choose 2 stickers and head to the community center to play with friends.

Here are his stats:
Weight, 32.4 lbs, 5-10%
Height, 39 3/4", 50-75%
Passed hearing test
Normal eyesight
Normal blood pressure
Normal pulse
All-in-all, we have a healthy 4 year old boy! 

His doc did mention something about his speech.  WHAT??!!  I was shocked, but took it in stride.  He said that we can be referred to a speech therapists now, or wait 6 months and see how things improve.  I opted to wait, but honestly, in 6 months, will I be able to tell if there's an improvement?  I answered, "yes" on the parent questionnaire this morning when it asked if he speaks clearly.  I guess I was wrong, so maybe I won't be such a good judge of it later.  I really thought that the way he speaks is just how all 4 year olds speak, and that he mispronounces things here and there.  Now, I just need to be able to help him along, but not be such a freak about it.  Mmmm hmmm.  Sure.  Not going to obsess.

As for Tyler, he stopped puking yesterday morning.  He was slightly warm at bedtime last night, but seemed fine this morning.  At the community center, he was having a bit of a rough time, with lots of crying and needing me to hold him.  He was chewing on a finger with his back teeth, which leads me to think he's teething.

I have a sitter this afternoon; David and I have a date.  Woop! Woop!

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