When Tyler wakes up in the morning, he usually snuggles in bed with us for another 10 minutes or so. When he's had enough, he ushers us out of bed (really, he does), goes potty & gets a fresh diaper. Before we can get that diaper on him, he's asking for breakfast. He loves his breakfast. This morning was no different, only he started off sitting at the little table in the kitchen. He looked so happy and cute eating his Z Bar, I just had to snap a shot.

Well, the Seahawks lost today. No Superbowl. But, it was a big game for them, and David wanted to watch it, so after breakfast the kids and I headed to U Village to exchange a shirt I have, and to use our LivingSocial coupon for a dozen cupcakes at Trophy. I can't believe I bought that deal almost a year ago. It expires next weekend. I had been waiting for some sort of celebration to bring cupcakes to, but kept forgetting about it or couldn't get over there to buy them. So, now we have about 8 cupcakes sitting in our freezer, waiting for me to get a sweet craving.
Vincent insisted on eating at Johnny Rockets as soon as we got there, at 10:15am. Weird. I got him to wait until about 11:30am. No surprise, he ate his ONE mini cheeseburger super slowly, as if he wasn't just whining about being hungry or waxing poetic about how much he loves JR. "Well, I haven't been there in so long." Silly kid. Anyway, he did finish that tiny little burger, so the boys and I shared a milkshake and took one home for David. BTW, one of their regular shakes divides up into three nicely.
After Vincent rested a little, he and David went outside and did yard work. Yeah, how about that? It had cleared up a bit and we even saw a bit of sunshine. When Tyler woke, he and I joined them. The kids ran around in our new backyard with the toy lawnmower and a plastic bat. They were so happy out there. It was so gratifying for us to see this kind of excitement for the yard.
Here's Vincent in the sunshine as we loaded them up to go to Ikea.
Okay, okay, you can't tell it's sunny, but I assure you it was.
And, sadly, I'll admit that we joined the masses at Ikea on a Sunday. Yes, there was a meltdown. Yes, David was about to give up and started carrying Vincent to the exit. I managed to stop him and calmed Vincent down, and we were able to *GASP!* have dinner there, and make it out the store with purchased items. Yes, we ate dinner there - it was free if we spent $100 or more, which we did.
Not our proudest feeding moment in parenting, but Tyler was super happy with his meal. Vincent did a replay of lunch, but managed to eat most of his food. I guess we have to be proud that they both ate & behaved well. On our way home, just 30 minutes later, Vincent said he was hungry and wanted to eat more food when we got home. Sorry, Kiddo, dinner's over.
By the way, Vincent picked out his whole outfit today. It was, well, he's done better. He had on an olive green longsleeve t-shirt with racing flames on the side, and on top of it, he put on a baby blue tank top. For pants, he wore green sweats. It would've been a decent outfit if he hadn't put the tank over his shirt. But, he said it's in case he gets hot.
And, today, we've started a weekly allowance with one chore for Vincent. He has a bank with three compartments: spend, share, and save. He is responsible for checking the cats' food & water levels 3 times a day, and refill as needed. We remind him, of course. He's able to do it all on his own. If he does this all week, he receives $1.00, broken down into loose change. I think he feels really proud of this. Tyler has seen Vincent feed the cats and actually wants to do it, too. He rush over to the basement door and says, "I get it!"