Thursday, June 23, 2011

Twirl Cafe

I recently purchased a Living Social deal for a punch card to Twirl Cafe in Queen Anne. It's basically sort of like a business I've thought would be neat for us (me) to open up and run. It would allow me to have the kids around while I a perfect world, of course. The place was alright. Not as big as I had hoped it would be, but the boys enjoyed it. I was worried they wouldn't because there were several babies inside, and they'd be the big kids. And, many of the toys were for younger kids and babies. But, like I said, they enjoyed it. After a while, a few older kids showed up, including one boy who's bigger than Vincent. They hit it off. They also enjoyed playing in the tree house.

Tonight, we had dinner guests, friends from Seattle Central. They have two little girls, one Tyler's age (Sylvie) and a 4 month old. Sylvie actually mostly played with Vincent. Poor Tyler. He didn't seem to mind, though. Vincent and Sylvie played upstairs. I gave them a specific rule about not going into the bathroom unless it was to use the potty. Of course, that's what they did. Sylvie's not yet potty trained, but at one point, Christine went upstairs to check on them and found them in the bathroom. Sylvie's pants and diaper were off and she was sitting on the toilet. Vincent seemed to be coaching her. It was quite funny.

At the dinner table, Vincent said, "Sylvie, I love you." Then, he asked her, "Do you love me a little bit?" "Yeah," she said.

Ooh and dinner tonight was homemade pizza. I think this was my best batch, yet!

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