Saturday, June 25, 2011

Carkeek Park, Biking, and Swinging...And, The Big Seat

This morning, David took the boys out to Carkeek Park, a little north of us, and gave me a little break. That was nice. I had several small but important tasks to take care of. That included booking tickets for my dad to come out at the end of summer!

At the park, they got to see a train come by, right under their feet (they were on a bridge)! David said, "At one point, Tyler was giddy." They also ran into our friends, Molly and Suresh and their 3 boys, again. They saw them on the street a couple weeks ago. David and the boys had a picnic lunch. Vincent played with Sean and his friends. Tyler fell asleep in the car on the way home.

During nap/quiet time, David went out for a run. He's training for this Warrior Dash race that he and Tom will do in mid-July.

Before dinner, we took the boys to the schoolyard with V's bike and T's scooter. David took the training wheels of Vincent's bike, and he is starting to teach him to ride.

Vincent did pretty well, and was able to peddle a few times after David let go, but he also fell a couple of times. No bumps, bruises or scratches, though. Once he had enough, he got to work on the rings. He was really swinging back and forth trying to get from one ring to the next. He got about 3 rings into it, but it took a lot of effort. A couple times, he would get so close and run out of momentum and drop down.
Tyler rode over to the school on his scooter...sort of. I had to do lots of pushing.

At dinner, Tyler decided he didn't want to sit in his high chair. So, this is how he sat (he looks so little!).

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