Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ducks In A Row

This morning, we were invited to join our friends at an event for down at Magnuson Park. The company was going to set the world record for the most rubber ducks all lined up in a row. Yeah! There was even going to be the official Guiness World Record person there. Pretty neat, if you ask me.

We weren't able to stay for the full event, but we stayed long enough to help put down some ducks. And, just how many ducks does it take to set a world record? 18,000, lined up across the span of 1 mile.

At the halfway mark.
 All of those garbage sacks are filled with rubber ducks.
 Even Tyler got to help out.
 Vincent and his friend, Sabriya, working on their section.
 Check out all those ducks!

The rest of our day was other records to set. The sun stopped shining, though it stayed warm, Tyler and I took a nap, Vincent didn't, David mowed the lawn. Just an average Sunday afternoon.

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