Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Windemere Cup

Each year, David and I drive by Husky Stadium and see the sign up for the upcoming Windemere Cup, and he says to me, "I'd really like to go see that one day." Well, this year, he made it happen. Only, just with Tyler. And, really, it practically takes place in our front yard, so how could one of us not go? Vincent and I went to Chinese school. But, as we were crossing the bridge back into Seattle, the boat parade was going on. We were able to park the car and get out to watch a couple of minutes. The UW marching band was going by on a couple of boats, and Vincent enjoyed the music.
Here's Tyler watching boats row by. Don't worry, he was perfectly safe, even if it looks like he's right on the edge.

At Chinese school, Vincent's class did a special presentation for Mother's Day. They sang several Mandarin songs and gave us craft projects they've been working on. I loved watching Vincent sing. I forgot both my camera and my phone! Drats!

With me still being under the weather, we took things pretty easy the rest of the day. David, Tyler and I all napped. Vincent rested, but never actually fell asleep. This is tricky because by the end of the day, he gets tired earlier than Tyler. We decided to try putting him to bed first. It seemed to work okay (for tonight).

Here's pictures from this afternoon.

Tyler screaming and making a funny face while sitting on the toilet.

Tyler looking like a farmer, asking me to put on his shoes, then touching his head, saying he has on a hat.

Cheeseburgers for dinner. Can you guess which plate goes to which kid?
Look at the big burger! I wish I could say he ate it all, but he didn't. The actual burger patty was quite thin, but it was still a large sandwich.

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