Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011 - Sunday

It's been a nice holiday weekend so far.

This morning, we all went to Paul and Gabi's for brunch with their family. It turned out to be a nice day, which was awesome for hanging out in their super garden. They also have a trampoline, which was a hit, but certainly not the favorite item of the day. That would be the home-made rocket launcher. Vincent L.U.V. loved it.

Tyler got a chance to bounce, gently, too.

As did David. "More bounce, to the ounce."

The popular rocket launcher. Vincent patiently awaits for Gabi to finish pumping it up.
 He rushed off to retrieve it after we all saw where it landed.

When it was time to leave, we were looking for Tyler and found him in the kids' room, like this.

While the boys napped in the afternoon, David and I went out for some gardening stuff, and found this new pastry shop in the valley. So cute! I had this super yummy pain au chocolat while he had this cauliflower gratin. While we finished up, the owner came over and gave David a croissant, too. Double yum! And, to top it off, when I was complimenting her on the space, she asked if I baked, to which I said, "Um, well, I went to culinary school, but mostly do savory..." She asked because she wanted to send me home with these
Yes, this would be 15 pounds worth of whole wheat flour. The kind I buy, too. Can we say, "PIZZAS!"?

Lastly, David and I got to see a movie at the theater, again. Second week in a row. Bridesmaids. Funny enough for the dude, and girly enough for the chick. 

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