Thursday, May 26, 2011

Meatballs, Sticky Rice, and NO ANTICS!

Yes, my friends, you read correctly. No antics from my jokesters at bedtime tonight. Zero, zilch, none. (I just knocked on wood, since I'm there's still time between now and morning)

Tyler took about a 5-10 minute nap in the car on our way down to Federal Way this morning, and that was it. Although he didn't act tired at bedtime, I guess he was. Or, he suddenly felt tons of empathy for me, and decided to just go to bed. Vincent took about a 30 minute nap on the way back from Federal Way. Though I had lost patience with him while getting the kids to bed, I didn't get angry and he was really sweet, despite the fact that I didn't read them any books. I promised I'd go back and check on him before I go to bed, which seemed to comfort him a lot.

Having the boys go to bed so easily allowed my mom and I to make bamboo wrapped sticky rice. She makes them about every other time she visits, or brings a batch already made. This time, I asked her specifically to teach me to make them. And, I asked her to teach me to make these Taiwanese "meatballs." We tried to make the meatballs yesterday, but she accidentally packed the wrong ingredient to make the outer skin, and she actually forgot the process. It was a bit of a disaster.

After a brief trip to Uwajimaya, we had the correct ingredients to try again. So, that's what we did for dinner. The boys watched T.V. and we made meatballs.

While I put the boys to bed, Ma started getting ready for the sticky rice. She cooked up a storm (for the filling). Soon we were all set, with a drink in each of our hands, for some folding, filling, folding some more, then tying action.

The fixins, clockwise from the top: bamboo leaves, par-cooked brown sticky rice, sauteed sliced pork and tofu, sauteed shitake mushrooms, sauteed little shrimp.

My first package; it's the one in front.

And, here is our 2nd bundle of joy!

We steamed up the first one, not pictured, and most definitely had to try one out...even at 10:30pm. Could use a little more time to get the rice stickier, but it sure was yummy.

And, in other news...Vincent had his last drama class of the season. We are unsure if he'll do any summer camps, or if he'll return in the fall. I would definitely try to make it happen if it works out for us. He seems to really enjoy the classes. Although, I'm not so sure he's actually as into the acting aspect as he is into the structured playtime aspect. Nonetheless, it's been a positive experience for him.

We also drove down to Federal Way, as mentioned earlier, to visit Stanley and Halina. The boys were both super happy to see them, and more loving towards them than ever. It has really made a difference for them to see each other more often, and everyone is happy with the results.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you! I'm next in line to learn how to make the bamboo rice. Btw, the meatballs are referred to as meat wraps at the local cafes.
