Tyler skipped his nap today. At least, I'm pretty sure he did. I sent him upstairs about 1:15pm, and at about 1:45pm, he came down stairs, all bright-eyed, loud, and happy. I knew he couldn't have slept. I sent him back upstairs, and checked on his 30 minutes later. Still awake. By this time, he just needed to get up, because I'd have to wake him soon to go pick up Vincent.
So, he got up and we tooled around a bit until it was time to get Vincent. I actually lost track of time, and almost forgot to go get him!
Tonight, while David went to karate, I had each boy take a bath. Tyler went first, and as he bathed, Vincent and I sat in the bathroom with him, practicing Taiwanese phonics. I thought he did pretty well, actually. Then, I sent Tyler upstairs to get ready for bed while Vincent took a bath. I had Tyler go to bed early since he didn't nap.
As I was helping Vincent after his bath, I asked him if he's excited for another baby brother. This was our conversation:
Vincent: "I don't know. It's going to be pretty crazy. Like, when the baby turns Tyler's age right now, he'll be so crazy." (I guess, he thinks Tyler's pretty crazy right now.)
Me: "Well, it will be pretty crazy around the house as soon as the baby is born."
Vincent: "I can help you with the baby."
Me: "Yeah? What kind of things do you think you can help us do?"
Vincent: "Oh, like help you feed baby, hold him, or whatever else you want. You just tell me what you want me to do."
Me: "Baby will be a little too small for you to hold right away. You may need to practice a bit by holding Buster or Stella."
And, so, Vincent practiced holding Stella tonight. He was trying to figure out how to pick her up, but I placed her on his lap. She was tense at first, but settled in quickly.

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