Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Beach and The Party

Vincent woke without a fever this morning. Yay! So, we ventured off to Santa Monica to meet with Gabe and Sarah. The took us to this Jamaican restaurant called ChaCha Chicken. It's funny. Gabe said that they had been driving past this place for like 10 years going to and from the airport, and finally, after their recent move to L.A., they decided to try it out. When I lived in L.A., I drove past that place a bunch, too, and wondered what it was. Well, now we've tried it, and it's yummy! I had their coconut fried chicken. Crispy goodness.

Unfortunately, though it was sunny today, it was cold and windy. After lunch, Vincent was wiped out and ready to go home. By the time we returned, he had a fever again. Both boys napped, but afterwards, Vincent was still feeling pretty awful.

Tyler's birthday party was this evening. Vincent opted to stay in the bedroom and rest. He watched part of a movie and played games on David's iPad. Tyler was doing well, and super excited to see everyone. Uncles Jack and Peter (brothers) and Aunt Diana and Uncle Ken all showed up at the same time, and with balloons for him. He couldn't have been happier. This boy loves balloons.  We had tons of food. Food my mom made, bbq my sister brought, hot pot, knafe, homemade Asian pastries, and birthday cake. Vincent rallied for the cake. He played for a short while, but soon felt bad again and went to bed. Tyler stayed up late playing with everyone.

Happy 2nd Birthday, Ty Ty!! (2 days early)

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