Thursday, June 21, 2012

Play Date #2, The Library, & The Community Center

Summer Edition, Day 11

Henry had also invited Vincent over to play this week. So, two days in a row, those boys got to hang out. I figured I might as well let them since next week is summer camp and Henry will be out of town. Vincent was pretty excited. Actually, Tyler was excited, too. Both boys went running into their house, ready to play. 

Sorry, Tyler, not you.

Instead, Tyler and I went to the gym. He got to play with all his girlfriends there, though. Incidentally, they're all blonde.

We picked up Vincent afterwards to come home for lunch. Since there was time before quiet time, and we didn't have afternoon plans, I decided for us to go to the library after lunch. Vincent loved this idea, saying, "I've been thinking about going to the library lately." Super!

I ended up having tons of stuff on hold, then found more, including some books on CD for the kids. Vincent picked out about 4 or 5 different comic books, while Tyler found about 4 or 5 board books. What a loot.

For dinner, we recipe tested grilled hanger steak with porcini mushrooms for Lark. YUM. I have to admit, I love steak. Ooh, and we got our first CSA box from Oxbow Farm today. Included in the box was a bunch of baby carrots. Those got wrapped in foil and thrown on the grill, too. Dee-lish. For dessert, super sweet strawberries came in our box, so I cut up those and whipped up some sweetened cream to go with them. Ooh la la.

Next, it's off to the community center with the boys. David stayed home and mowed the lawn. Much, much needed. 

Vincent had a really good piano lesson, according to his teacher. She has figured out that he likes routine, which they have now sort of developed, and it's helped him settle down. Tyler played outside during the lesson. It was still nice and warm out. He loved swinging like this... if flying.
The boys went up this steep path on the way home. At first they were holding hands, getting ready to climb together, but quickly let go of each other, like it was a race. Of course. Tylie kept up pretty well, if you ask me.
When we got home, David was watching the NBA Finals. The boys joined him, but Tyler quickly got bored. I took him into the living room to listen to the books on CD we got at the library. He was so cute, snuggling up with Stitch.
 I love this. He looks like he's still just a year old here.
I'm not sure if he was actually even listening to the stories, but Tyler enjoyed the whole situation. Um, minus the part when Vincent came in and tried to take over turning the pages and not letting him have a turn. David took Vincent away. They two of them watched the Miami Heat win the championship.

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