Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Girl #2

Summer Edition, Day 17

Another fun day for the boys at camp! When I picked them up today, one of the counselors told me that Vincent has himself a little girlfriend. My response was, "Oh yeah, Ruby?" No. Apparently, today it was Sophia. She also told me, "The best was seeing him put his hand on her back and leading her outside." I could even imagine it. Vincent can be quite gentle with the ladies, when appropriate. Oh boy.

We dropped off Tyler at home, and then Vincent and I went to his dentist appointment. He had a follow up for his teeth that Tyler knocked loose a few months ago. Seems like they're fine. There's a chance that they will fall out sooner than nature had originally intended, due to the trauma. All that means is that his permanent teeth might take a little longer to grow in. But, there doesn't seem to be an infection, and he's not complaining of pain, so we are still in "monitor" mode. The dental staff loved him. 

This afternoon, Vincent had his tip test for karate. I think he did a really nice job. I feel like this was the best he has done for a test so far. They had only 4 moves, but he got them spot on. He even almost went in the wrong direction with his elbow throw move, but corrected himself quickly. I was super proud of him. He did have an issue with a little girl in the class, and cried. She was bugging him, and he tried several times to get her to leave him alone, but she persisted. I think he was so frustrated that he began to cry. But, his teacher kind of had him move on from the situation, and I was really impressed with how well and quickly he pulled it together and got through it.

I introduced the boys to Austin Powers this week. We watched the first half of the movie a couple days ago, and finished it tonight. I had forgotten how sexual it is. Oops! Luckily, they don't get it. They do think it's pretty funny. Tyler was a little scared, but Vincent understood that it was humorous.

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