Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Summer Edition, Day 29

Seriously. Puke is what I had to deal with this morning. I would say, "At least it wasn't first thing," but, if it was first thing, it would be in our house. Not in our car. The car still stinks right now. I don't know how to get rid of the stink. 

Anyone? Please. How do I get puke stink out of a car?

So, yeah, we were on our way to take David to work, then head to the gym. Ahhh, routine, just like I like. Vincent was saying he was thirsty, and I just happened to have water in his water bottle to offer (a rarity). David handed to him, and then we dropped David off at work. We were heading to the gym, when I heard Vincent panting. I actually didn't realize he got his water, so I thought maybe he was still thirsty. Then, he frantically said, "Mommy, I think I need to throw up."


I told him I'll pull over. I had just turned the corner off the busy street, when I heard it. You know what "it" was.


Gross. Gross. Gross.

Needless to say, we didn't make it to the gym. After getting him cleaned up, we headed home. Luckily, I had brought a change of clothes with me today, and we have an extra car seat in the back, now that Vincent has a new booster.

We've spent most of the day hanging out at home. Vincent never got sick again. I drew him an epsom salt bath, which he loved. He ate very little most of the day. By 1pm, he seemed back to normal, jumping around and happy.

It could have been so much worse, even though I was thoroughly grossed out. Tyler was pretty grossed out, too. He held his nose the whole time I changed Vincent, and the car ride home. He was the happiest to be out of the car, away from the stink. No, I was. No, wait, I had to go back and clean it up. Ugh.

Motherly love is priceless.


  1. oh Anny, we dealt with this last year on our way to Yosemite- all over the car at the beginning of our weekend campaign trip .I just got lucky and had diapers wipes on me, but I sure hope your'e able to find a solution for that smell quickly. Poor guy- hope he's feeling better tonight!

  2. Thanks, Susie! He felt much better by mid-afternoon. We are back now, but Ty threw up on the plane as we were landing in Seattle! I guess better in plane than in our car!
