Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pool Time and Three Playgrounds!

Summer Edition, Day 24

The boys and I went to the gym this morning. Afterwards, I needed to pick up a couple things for the house at two different grocery stores. Lucky for me, there's a playground across the street from the second store. We bought some picnic items from PCC, then headed to the park.

After a little afternoon rest time, our friends, Relaine and Charlotte, came over to have a pool date with us. We all piled into our car and went to Volunteer Park's wading pool.

Woohoo! It was our first wading pool time of the season. I loved it. And, now, the kids are big enough to have a good time while we supervise from a distance. I guess they were fine last year, but Tyler still needed a good amount of up-close pool supervision. Now, I would have just gotten in their way. He did, fall a couple of times, and once he cut his knee. After he did that, he was done. He came out of the pool, ate a bunch of grapes and goldfish crackers, and waited for the others to be done, too. 
They were all so pleased that there was enough time for the playground, too. And, when we got home, they played together at our house for a few minutes as well. Ahhh, it's good to be a kid on summer break.

Our last playground was at the community center. Vincent had a piano lesson, so Tyler got to play. He mostly hung out of the swings. Vincent had another good lesson. 

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