Summer Edition, Day 21
No camp this week. Not much going on, actually. In fact, I couldn't really think of a good title for today, as there wasn't a whole lot interesting that happened.
I went to the dentist in the morning. David dropped me off, and then he took the kids to the gym. I walked from the dentist to the gym, relieve David of kids duty, and then scooped the kids up from the daycare.
From the gym, we went to QFC for a little shopping. We quickly stopped home to drop off groceries, then head back out for Vincent's speech therapy.
Vincent actually is loving speech therapy. His therapist is pretty great with him. I can hear him inside, and it sounds like he's having a blast. Before his session, we went through the Taco Time drive thru for lunch. They both settled on the same thing: cheese quesadilla and applesauce, with a toy, instead of cinnamon crispies.
After therapy, we went home.
When rest time was over, I tried to take the boys to the schoolyard to ride their bike & scooter. When we got there, the school was closed. It's going to be closed for the whole summer. UGH!
We dropped the wheelies back at home, then headed to the park. Poor kids only got to play for about 20 minutes before heading back home. I had to cook dinner! I was happy to see them play pretty well together.

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