Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 2 In Review & Today

Wow, it's hard to remember all that happened in a week, especially a full week ago! I'll do my best...

Sunday, 1/8 - With no plans for the morning, we decided to take the boys to McDonald's in Ballard, because it has a play structure. It felt like such lazy parenting, but the boys were super happy to climb and slide and play with other kids. We were able to let them tell us when they were ready to eat, and then let them play more after they ate. They even took breaks in between to play, then came back to eat more. It was just too easy. David and I should have brought books to read!

Monday, 1/9 - Vincent's check up. Oh, and Tyler went back to Panda. I was so proud of how well he did at drop off. He went right in, didn't complain, or cling to me. He was so cute and sweet.

Tuesday, 1/10 - Vincent had a short day at school. It would have been long if he had gone to the play with his class, but we already had plans to see the play later in the week. The teachers agreed to let him ride the bus downtown with the rest of class, and Tyler and I would pick him up in front of the theater. Tyler and I went to the gym. When Ty saw that we were going to Seattle Center to pick up Vincent he said, "Maybe we can ride the Monorail, or sun-ting." (that's "something" in Ty speak) I had that same idea! We met Vincent, and got to the Monorail just in time to catch the next one. We met David at the other end downtown and had lunch. The boys were thrilled. When David walked up, he said it warmed his heart to see us carrying our food to the table, each with something in hand. We rode the Monorail back to Seattle Center (sans Daddy), went home, and rested. Ooh, and I got to talk to my friend, Jill on the phone, long distance! After naps, Vincent had karate. After dinner, I met friends at Barrio. I had the churros, which were ok. A bit too greasy for me. Le Bete's are better.

Wednesday, 1/11 - Vincent had school. Tyler had gymnastics. Here he is backwards bouncing.
After gymnastics, Tyler and I went home to meet our friends, Sarah and Allison. Sarah is going to have her second baby this upcoming Monday, and Ally is her 2 year old daughter. We made them lunch and they brought us desserts! Tonight, David went out with friends to Naked City Brewery.

Thursday, 1/12 - No school today. We dropped both boys off at a friend of Vincent's house, so that David and I could attend a parent/teacher conference at V's school. This was Tyler's first drop-off play date. We think. He did great! I told him about it yesterday, and he's been excited since. As for how Vincent's doing in school, he's doing well. Seems to be right on track. When we were done, we picked up the boys, then David went home, while the boys and I met Brianna and her kids at Priddy Boys for pizza. They have this video game in the back room that lets you play like 8 different games for FREE! Liam and Vincent spent most of lunch back there. Ahhhh, they're growing up so fast!

Friday, 1/13 - The boys and I went to the gym. While there, I picked our family up a Cuisinart Keurig machine. No, they don't sell them there. One of the daycare ladies' sister demos the machines and sold me a demo for 1/3 of the retail price. Single cup coffees in minutes? Yes, please. **I can't remember the rest of the day.**

Saturday, 1/14 - No Chinese school. I went to Lark for an early shift, 11a-6p. While I worked, David took the boys to the Science Center for the Model Railway Show. Yup, Tyler was in Heaven.
It also snowed for a short while, so there was a snowball.
David and the boys met me at Lark at 5:30pm so that we can have dinner together after I got off work. The boys did fairly well, though they were quite loud. Everyone loved seeing them, though. Tyler's favorite dish was the braised oxtail with ricotta gnudi.

Vincent seemed to like the salami the best. He said he loved the gnudi, but then proceeded to eat it v-e-r-y slowly, like 30 minutes. Maybe more. Oh, and he loved Dinah's Cheese from Kurtwood Farms. I think my favorite dish was the fluke with black lentils, black truffles, and hedgehog mushrooms. We finished our meal with an order of Chocolate Madeleines.
Seriously, these boys eat well.

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