Monday, January 9, 2012

Vincent's 5 Year Check-Up & Stats

This afternoon, David and I took Vincent to his annual check up. He was a little nervous that he may have to get shots today, but we soon found out that he didn't. Yay! Now, we can get on with the check up with ease.

Here are his stats:
Weight - 36lbs, 6oz (10%); still like a feather
Height - 42.5 in. (50%); sweet.
BMI - 10%; just like Daddy
Blood Pressure - 72/64
Hearing - Passed
Vision - 20/30; uh-oh. I hope his vision doesn't end up like mine.

We had talked his doctor a few days ago about a couple of concerns that we didn't want to bring up in front of Vincent. 

The first was his behavior. I described a little of the challenges we are facing and wondered if it sounds about right for his age. He's also so full of energy, that I wanted to know when doctors start looking at signs of ADD or ADHD. Basically, they don't start to get concerned until middle of their kindergarten year. And, from what I described, his behaviors seem age appropriate. But, these were things for the doctor to keep an eye out for. 

Second, his speech. We talked about it at last year's check up. I was in shock when he brought it up then, but have made a point to help correct him with pronouncing some letters. 

His observation on both of these matters were positive. He said that Vincent did "Great!" today. Better than he has seen with many children his age. I was really impressed with the way Vincent took deep breaths in and out during the exam. That's one of our calming exercises for the boys when they're too wound up or upset. And, as for his speech, he said that he's almost 100% clear, but still has a slight bit of slurring. He'd like for us to get an assessment from a speech therapist to get a better idea of what we should do for him, if anything. 

All-in-all, a good check up. And, he was so cute in his little gown, which he loved. I was only able to convince him to change out of it by saying that he'll get his sticker after he's totally changed.
After we were done, we stopped at Specialty's for a treat. He picked out this chocolate chip cream cheese croissant. Yum.

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