Saturday, January 21, 2012

We Survived The Snow

All that is left of the snow are patches of white on the side of roads and on peoples' grasses. There's little to remind us that just a couple of days ago we were practically buried in snow. Luckily, we only spent one full day stuck inside the house. Truthfully, if we really wanted to, we could have taken the boys out to play every one of those snow days. But, we didn't. 

So, just a recap, it started to snow on Sunday. Monday it snowed a tiny bit. Tuesday, no snow. Rain, I think? Wednesday was the big snow day. Schools were cancelled all over town by Tuesday afternoon, in anticipation for the downfall. And, down it did fall. All day long. That didn't stop us from getting out. 

We walked over to the schoolyard to meet our neighbors for a snowball fight. We took the sled with us, which was great for pulling Tyler there. He was walking very slowly, so I just put him in and dragged him over. He got such a kick out of it. And, there are two small ramps at the school, so he was able to do a little sledding. We spent about an hour there and headed home.

When we got home, we decided to stay out a little longer and let the boys sled down our street!
Our Snow Man
Snow continued to fall on Thursday. Lots of it. Maybe this was the bigger snow day. I don't know for sure. But, what I do know is that we were too tired to go outside. Even the kids were content to stay in. I had it in my head to let them watch TV all day, but didn't even have. They mostly just played with their toys. They watched minimal amounts of TV. And, I cooked up a storm. I felt like I ate all day long.

Friday, the rain came, and the snow began to melt. I was done being cooped up in the house. I took the boys on the bus to downtown. I didn't tell them where we were going, just out for a walk. As we were about the turn the corner to the main road where the bus stop is, our bus drove by. I frantically waved my arms, and to my surprise, the driver stopped for us! I told the boys to run, but Tyler fell. Nonetheless, we made it on, and the boys were thrilled!
When we got down there, we went to See's Candies to use a gift certificate I received for Christmas (and eat free samples!). Then, we went into Westlake Center to browse. That's when we realized that Vincent had left his hat (David's Orlando Magic's hat) on the bus. UGH! After a little browsing at Daiso Japan, I decided to take the boys on the light rail to Chinatown. Another exciting surprise for them. They were excited to go to the underground station. Funny thing Vincent said on the way: "Mommy, it smells like metal. I like the smell of metal." Huh?!

We went to Chinatown and had lunch at Samurai Noodles. YUM. We then had to make our way back home. We caught an underground bus back downtown. And, barely waited about a minute for our bus back to Montlake. Nice.

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